Namespace Azos.Apps.Volatile
Defines a file-based provider that stores objects for ObjectStoreService class
Implements ObjectStore service that does nothing on checkin, always returning null for checkout/fetch
Defines a provider that does not do anything - does not store object anywhere but memory
Implements service that stores object in proccess's memory, asynchronously saving objects to external non-volatile storage upon change and synchronously saving objects upon service stop. This service is useful for scenarios like ASP.NET volatile domain that can be torn down at any time. Note for ASP.NET uses: the key difference of this approach from .NET session state management is the fact that this service never blocks object CheckIn() operations as backing store is being updated asynchronously. This class is thread-safe unless specified otherwise on a property/method level
Internal framework class that stores data in ObjectStoreService
Defines a base provider that stores objects for ObjectStoreDaemon class
Outlines interface for object stores. Object stores are special kind of zero-latency storage of application state which needs to be persisted between application/process restart (hence the name "volatile process") with expiration. For example, an app may keep user session context (or any other call context)in this store to ensure the survival of these contexts between volatile app lifecycle. Azos framework provides an abstraction of store "providers" which store objects in files, database or other media. The usage of Object stores unifies the access to such data. Object stores are by-design expected to be in-memory/fast, therefore they do not expose ASYNC apis. The writing of objects to persistent media (such as disk) is expected to be done asynchronously by other thread/s
Format of files on disk
Represents status of ObjectStoreEntry